My Work

Movie App Homepage - Dark Mode

Movie App Homepage - Dark Mode

Home page of the Movie App with CRUD features, MS SQL database and light / dark mode. View a list of movies, filter by genre, edit, add, delete a listing.

JavaScriptC#.NET CoreMVCEntity FrameworkMS SQL
Logistics Web App

Logistics Web App

Full-Stack Logistics Web App for employees to create orders and invoices. See live demo video.

JavaScriptReactFirebase AuthFirebase
Movie App Movies Index - Light Mode

Movie App Movies Index - Light Mode

Index Page of the Movie App with CRUD features, MS SQL database and light / dark mode. View a list of movies, filter by genre, edit, add, delete a listing.

JavaScriptC#.NET CoreMVCEntity FrameworkMS SQL
Custom WordPress Website

Custom WordPress Website

This is a website I designed and developed for a new up and coming HR leadership coaching business. I customized a Wordpress theme and integrated plugins and APIs along with custom CSS.

WordPressJavaScriptStripe APIBooking API
RubyLog - Login Page

RubyLog - Login Page

The RubyLog project is still in development and will be live soon. This is the login page for a multi-tenancy business app that I still contribute to for Hephium (A startup Software Development Company based in Florida). I am one of the original developers on this project.

JavaScriptVueVuetifyTailwind CSSFigma
RubyLog - Dashboard Light Mode

RubyLog - Dashboard Light Mode

This is the dashboard in light mode for RubyLog, a desktop multi-tenancy business app that is still in production that I contribute to. The dashboard was developed by me.

JavaScriptVueVuetifyTailwind CSSFigma
React Dashboard UI

React Dashboard UI

A personal project I built to expand on more frontend technologies and utilizing graphs and charts from external resources. This version is not responsive and best viewed on desktop.

ReactReact Pro-SidebarMaterial UINivo ChartsFull CalendarFormikYupLight/Dark Modes
RubyLog - Dashboard Dark Mode

RubyLog - Dashboard Dark Mode

This is the dashboard in dark mode for RubyLog, a desktop multi-tenancy business app that is still in production that I contribute to. The dashboard was developed by me.

JavaScriptVueVuetifyTailwind CSSFigma
Dictionary App

Dictionary App

This dictionary app is a personal project of mine I created when I was learning more advanced concepts of React and APIs. You type a word in the search box and if it finds a definition, it will show the difinition along with any images (if any) related to that word.

ReactDictionary APIPexels APIAxios
World Clock App

World Clock App

The world clock app is another personal project of mine I used to expand on my experience in Bootstrap and frontend technologies when working with time. It showcases the time based on timezones all across the world.

JavaScriptBootstrapMoment.jsTailwind CSS